Norwegian Solar Energy Incentives in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

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As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, Norway stands at the forefront with its robust support measures for solar energy adoption. From government subsidies to tax breaks, this guide sheds light on the opportunities awaiting households and businesses in Norway.

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Government Subsidies: Enova Initiative

What is Enova?

Enova is a Norwegian government enterprise dedicated to promoting environmentally friendly production and consumption of energy. Their mission is to drive the transition to a more sustainable energy system in Norway. Enova provides financial support and advice to private households and businesses to achieve this, encouraging the adoption of renewable energy solutions, energy efficiency measures, and new technology.

Step-by-Step Guide to Utilising the Enova Subsidy for Solar Installations

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

Before applying, ensure that your solar installation project meets the criteria set by Enova. The subsidy is available for households in Norway.

Step 2: Understand the Subsidy Amount

The subsidy for solar installations post-October 2023 is NOK 7,500 + NOK 1,250 per kW installed. Calculate the potential subsidy you can receive based on your installation's capacity.

Not sure about your installation capacity? Contact our Norwegian partner Solintegra for a quick and easy quote to better understand your installation capacity and the potential subsidy you could receive.

Step 3: Gather Necessary Documentation

Prepare all required documentation:

  • Invoices for equipment purchase, material, and labour costs.

  • Ensure all documentation is dated within the last 12 months before the application date.

Step 4: Choose the Right Electricity Supplier

If you plan to sell surplus power back to the grid, ensure you choose an electricity supplier that handles both production and consumption. Not all suppliers have agreements for prosumers. You may need to switch if your current supplier doesn’t handle production.

Step 5: Apply for the Subsidy

Visit the official Enova website.

  • Navigate to the application portal.

  • Fill in the required details and upload the necessary documentation.

  • Submit your application.

Step 6: Await Approval

Once your application is submitted, Enova will review it. The approval process may vary in duration, so patience is essential.

Step 7: Receive the Subsidy

Upon approval of your subsidy application, it's important to understand how the subsidy will be disbursed. The disbursement mechanism can vary; it could be directly deducted from the invoice provided by the company installing the solar panels or provided to you after the installation. 

Confirming the exact process with Enova or the installation company is advisable to ensure a smooth subsidy receipt process.

Step 8: Monitor and Optionally Report

After your solar installation is complete and the subsidy is received, monitoring your solar system’s performance is advisable to ensure it aligns with the expected annual production you provided during the application.

Although monitoring is a good practice, as of the latest updates, Enova doesn't mandate periodic reporting nor imposes consequences if the actual production doesn't align with the expected production. This step is more of a recommendation for maintaining optimal system performance and ensuring you achieve your energy savings goals.

Step 9: Stay Updated

Enova may make periodic changes to the subsidy program. It's essential to stay updated with any new developments or adjustments to maximise benefits.


The Enova subsidy offers a significant financial incentive for households in Norway to adopt solar energy. Following this step-by-step guide, you can seamlessly navigate the application process and benefit from the subsidy.

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Local Touchpoints: Municipal Support for Solar Adoption

Local municipalities in Norway play a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of solar energy. Recognising their communities’ unique needs and opportunities, many municipalities have introduced tailored subsidy programs and incentives to complement national efforts.

Local Municipal Subsidy Overview:

  • Customised Grants: Depending on the region, municipalities might offer specific grants for households and businesses to install solar panels. These grants can vary in amount and are often designed to address the unique energy needs of the community.

  • Reduced Permit Costs: Some municipalities offer reduced fees or even waive permit costs for solar installations, making the transition to solar more affordable.

  • Educational Workshops: To ensure residents and businesses make informed decisions, several municipalities organise workshops and informational sessions about the benefits of solar energy and the available subsidies.

  • Partnerships with Local Installers: Municipalities often collaborate with local solar installers, offering residents special package deals or discounts on installation services.

  • Expedited Approval Processes: Recognizing the urgency of transitioning to renewable energy, some municipalities have streamlined their approval processes for solar installations, ensuring quicker project commencement and completion.

How to Access Local Municipal Subsidies:

  • Visit Your Municipality's Website: Most municipalities have dedicated sections on their websites detailing available solar incentives and the application process.

  • Engage with Local Community Centers: Community centres often have information on local solar initiatives and can guide residents on how to avail of them.

  • Attend Local Solar Workshops: These workshops educate and provide a platform to directly engage with municipal representatives and clarify any queries about local subsidies.

  • Stay Updated: Municipal subsidies can be subject to change based on budget allocations and policy shifts. Regularly check official channels or subscribe to local newsletters to stay informed.

By tapping into both national and local subsidies, residents of Norway can maximise their savings and make a more significant positive environmental impact. It's a testament to Norway's holistic approach to solar energy adoption, where every level of governance plays its part.

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Proposed Tax Exemption for Solar Installations in Norway

Norway is leaning towards greener energy solutions, with a notable proposal for tax exemptions on solar installations under consideration.

Proposal Highlights

The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has proposed exempting electricity generated by renewable energy systems, including solar, from electricity tax. This exemption is aimed at systems of up to 500 kW per property, covering grid rent and Value Added Tax (VAT) as well.

Previously, tax exemptions were restricted to off-grid solar projects. The proposal aims to extend these benefits to grid-connected solar systems, promoting broader adoption of solar energy.

Current Status

This proposal is under public consultation. Its approval could offer significant cost savings, making solar energy a more attractive option in Norway.


Although not yet ratified, this proposal indicates Norway's progressive stance towards renewable energy. It's prudent for potential solar installers and investors to stay updated on this proposal as it could impact the financial viability of solar installations in Norway.

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Solarstone Solar Tiled Roof on a wooden house in a forest

Challenges and Limitations

While Norway's support measures for solar energy are commendable, there are challenges and limitations to consider:

Bureaucratic Hurdles

Some households and businesses report bureaucratic challenges when applying for subsidies or permits, leading to delays.

Subsidy Limitations

The amount allocated for subsidies might only sometimes cover a significant portion of the installation costs, making solar energy adoption financially challenging for some.

Regional Variations

Support measures can vary by region, leading to nationwide disparities in solar energy adoption.

Infrastructure Challenge

In certain areas, the existing infrastructure might not be equipped to handle a surge in solar installations, requiring additional investments.


Despite the available support measures, there's a need for greater awareness campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of solar energy and the available incentives.

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Concluding Thoughts

Norway's proactive approach towards fostering a sustainable energy landscape is evident through its various subsidy programs and the proposed tax exemption for solar installations. By tapping into these incentives, households and businesses alike can significantly offset the costs associated with transitioning to solar energy, all while contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

Whether you are considering a conventional solar panel setup or looking into building-integrated solar solutions, a plethora of support is awaiting you in Norway. Especially with building-integrated solar roofs, not only can you generate clean energy, but you also get to enhance the aesthetic appeal and the value of your property.

Taking the first step towards solar adoption may seem daunting, but it can be a smooth and rewarding journey with the right guidance and support. Our Norwegian partner, Solintegra, is well-versed in the local solar landscape and can provide you with a tailored quote, helping you understand the installation capacity and the financial incentives available to you.

Contact Solintegra today for a quick and easy quote and take a significant step towards embracing solar energy, the cornerstone of Norway's sustainable future.

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